
Ayurveda is a science of life. Traditionally practiced in India for several thousand years, this
natural, amazing, unique and safe medicine offers you numerous benefits while eliminating the
possible side-effects that are commonly found in modern medicine drugs.

Ayurveda considers each person as different, and each one has a unique composition of tridoshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha- our bodily energies). A person is said to be in a healthy state when his doshas are in harmony. We focus in regaining natural balance of these three through our programs.

Vata Dosha
Vata energy is associated with air and space, and is linked to bodily movements, including breathing and blood circulation. Vata energy is said to predominate in people who are lively, creative, original thinkers. When out-of- balance, people with vata dosha can experience joint pain, constipation, dry skin, anxiety and other ailments.
Pitta Dosha
Pitta energy is linked to fire, and is believed to control the digestive and endocrine systems. People with pitta energy are considered to be fiery in temperament, intelligent and fast- paced. When pitta energy is out of balance, it can result in ulcers, inflammation, digestive problems, anger, heartburn and arthritis.
Kapha Dosha
Kapha energy linked to earth and water, is believed to control growth and strength, and is associated with the chest, torso and back. People with Kapha dosha are considered strong and solid in constitution, and generally calm in nature. But obesity, diabetes, sinus problems, insecurity and gallbladder issues can occur when kapha energy is out of balance.

We offer

All our treatments are governed by strict and scientific procedures, highly individualized treatments and a holistic approach to alleviating the condition.