Diabetic Care


Diabetes cases in the country have increased due to drastic change in lifestyle, unhealthy eating habits and high stress levels. People with diabetes are 2 to 4 times more likely to suffer from heart disease or a stroke as compared to those who do not have diabetes. A Fasting Plasma Glucose (FPG) over 125 is indicative of diabetes while a result that is between 100 and 125 indicates prediabetes – the precursor stage before diabetes. Over 90% of newly diagnosed diabetics are above their ideal weight.

A 5-10% decrease in body weight can not only help reduce diabetes symptoms but also lowers the risk of hypertension and cardiovascular disease.

360° Sampoorna Ayurveda’s CDC diabetes management program is based on a combination of proven Ayurvedic therapies, yoga, and lifestyle modifications. Customized exercises also help to reduce fat accumulation on liver which reduces insulin resistance and stabilizes blood sugar levels, while Ayurvedic and yoga treatments support the insulin production and reduce insulin resistance. 360° Sampoorna Ayurveda’s programs for diabetes has helped reverse diabetes symptoms for several patients who enjoy a full and healthy life today.


“Experience a thorough diabetes treatment plan that can help reverse Type 2 diabetes and all its problems, including neuropathy, retinopathy, nephropathy, etc. We at 360° Sampoorna Ayurveda bring you a life-transforming program.”

Improve glycaemic control to prevent complications related to kidneys, heart, nerves, and blood vessels.

Prevent microvascular and macrovascular complications to improve your day-to-day life.

Minimize symptoms associated with blood sugar levels like weakness, skin infections, liver dysfunction, non-healing wounds, endothelial health, and erectile dysfunction.

Reverse damage caused to the endothelium (inner lining) of blood vessels because of persistently high blood sugar levels and control of the physical pain.

Break the chains of expensive medical complications and maintain a healthy flow of oxygen and blood to your heart and different vital organs

Live a happy and stress-free life with increased physical activity time after completing the Comprehensive Diabetes Care treatment.

Who Can Benefit from Our Comprehensive Diabetes Care?

Our Comprehensive Diabetes Care is designed for patients who are:

  • Using oral hypoglycaemic medications to regulate or lower blood glucose levels.
  • Young and suddenly losing weight because of Type 2 diabetes.
  • Experience tingling, burning, or pain in their hands or feet because of diabetic neuropathy.
  • Diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes and undergoing insulin therapy.
  • Experiencing severe eye conditions can lead to blindness and vision loss because of diabetic retinopathy.
  • Experiencing high blood pressure and kidney damage because of diabetic nephropathy.
  • Experiencing polyuria (excess/frequent urination).
  • Suffering from diabetes and heart disease.
  • Diagnosed with frequent skin infections.
  • Prone to fatigue or unexplained weakness.
  • Experiencing Polydipsia (increased thirst) and Polyphagia (increased hunger).
  • Experiencing darkened or black skin, especially under the folds of armpits and neck.

You are just one step away from transforming your life and reversing your type 2 diabetic condition. Enrol in 360° Sampoorna Ayurveda’s Comprehensive Diabetes Care and experience the change.


Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is when metabolic illness that occurs when the muscles, fat, and liver cells do not respond to the insulin that is produced (insulin resistance), causing glucose to remain in the bloodstream rather than being used for energy or stored. 

This lifestyle disease can be influenced by obesity, hereditary factors, inactivity, and/or bad food habits.

That is where our CDC therapy can help you reverse and control your blood pressure levels.

Here are some salient features:

  • CDC is the thorough diabetes treatment plan specifically created to reverse type 2 diabetes and all of its problems, including neuropathy, retinopathy, nephropathy, etc. Because controlling diabetes requires altering lifestyle habits, there is no quick treatment.
  • The treatment protocols were fine-tuned by the ongoing research of Vaidya Sane Laboratory’s research and development team, and encouraging results are published in numerous medical research journals. Vaidya Sane Laboratory Pvt Ltd has developed this treatment plan after understanding the fundamental concepts of diabetes from Ayurveda and modern science.
  • Our Principal Associate Vaidya Sane Laboratory has successfully treated more than 22,000 patients with diabetes by combining Ayurvedic principles such as dinacharya (lifestyle changes), aahar (diet), panchakarma, and herbal treatments with cutting-edge diagnostic tools.
  • Our Premeha Diet Kit consist of balanced diet that is designed due to our immense understanding of the disease, effects, and solutions.

The drastic change in lifestyle over the past decade, unhealthy eating habits, and stressful life can cause diabetic cases to increase.


360° Sampoorna Ayurveda’s CDC therapy can give you access to Ayurvedic therapies, yoga, and lifestyle modifications.


You can reduce fat accumulated in your liver, stabilize blood sugar levels, and minimize insulin resistance with customized exercises.


Our 360° Approach to Reverse Diabetes helps us stand out from the rest and deliver unparalleled results in diabetes treatment.


  • The therapy helps you to reverse diabetes completely. 
  • It increases insulin sensitivity or production to stimulate the body’s natural sugar metabolism process (improves the response to the entry of sugar into the cells).
  • By removing extra internal (visceral fat accumulated on the liver, muscles, and abdominal organs) and exterior fat, lower weight, and BMI. Excess fat stored in internal organs like the liver, pancreas, and muscles lowers insulin sensitivity and effectiveness, which is the primary cause of type 2 diabetes in patients.
  • By normalizing sugar levels reduces the damage caused to nerves and blood vessels. Thus, cutting downs the risk of diabetes complications.

100% Safe | 100% Effective | Research-Based Ayurveda Knowledge